
Photographer Valentina Luraghi explores the overlooked struggles of women battling this condition, often dismissed by medical professionals. Through intimate portraits, the series captures the exhaustion, anxiety, and resilience of those affected. Different women, united by their fragility and strength, reveal the silent weight of anemia and the fight to be heard.

Photography Valentina Luraghi

In a society that underestimates the relevance of anaemia, medical professionals frequently advise to consume more red meat as the main remedy while dismissing mental and physical issues by stating “it’s normal, considering you are a woman.”.

Symptoms such as pallor, palpitations, dizziness, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and persistent tiredness are all manifestations of this condition. Blood transfusions become necessary when iron supplements are inadequate. As the menstrual cycle approaches, the intensity of muscle pain can be so debilitating that the only recourse is to remain in bed and rely on pain relief medication.

Since iron is essential for brain function, anemia can impact psychological behaviors. Low iron levels may increase the risk of developing anxiety and depression. Medical negligence makes women feel alone in fighting this disease; their mind is tired and the efforts that are put into nourishing their organism seem vain. From work to self-care, everything is slowed down, both by a lack of energy and vitality and by frequent blurred vision due to low blood pressure.

In all aspects of their daily lives, women decide to show themselves as they are in front of my camera. Different ages, nationalities and backgrounds but all with a common bond. In their fragility, they discover the strength that allows them to face the difficulties and mutations that this condition can bring.

“Symptoms such as pallor, palpitations, dizziness, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and persistent tiredness are all manifestations of this condition.”

About Valentina

Valentina Luraghi is a photographer and filmmaker based in Paris, member of the Encrage Agency.
Her visual research expands into visual art, analysing the different aspects of contemporary reality with a poetic and at the same time impactful approach.

Follow her on Instagram

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