On the Radar: The Overland

If you haven’t heard about The Overland now is the time. We met the successful blood cousins from Tucson, Arizona in London and talked about their origins, the desert, the best about playing live and more.

Interview & Photography JC Verona

Hello Aris and Daniel, thank you for taking the time to speak to us. You have released just 2 incredible songs and we can’t wait for the whole album to be released. When is that going to happen? Are you planning to keep dropping songs or would we see the form of an album out soon?

That is a great question. Unfortunately it seems people don’t care much to listen to whole albums these days.. even our own attention span falters.. What was the question again?

Where you are from is a super interesting place where the latin (American) and anglo worlds sort of meet and collide. It creates this bleed and hybridised culture and aesthetic. What is the story behind The Overland? and where does the name come from?

The story began some time in 2013, when the sun was shining. Aris and Daniel both followed their hearts to London - naturally the loves didn’t last, particularly for Aris whose affair was on the way out. This did lead to an inspiring time non the less.

The group (duo) went through many different names, eventually landing on one while driving south through Nevada during their Debbie Does Dallas Tour in 2022. Making a quick stop in the town of Pioche at a small motel/brothel/casino called The Overland for a refreshment. Aris believes he may have met or fallen in love with a 9 fingered prostitute in room 10 whom he claims never had a name, meanwhile Daniel struck gold at the slot machine downstairs winning almost $1000. After the incident, the two felt it was such a good omen and perhaps a sign from God. It only seemed right to rename the supergroup “The Overland”.

That’s roughly how the name came to be.

“It's quiet, beautiful and mysterious. It is our home. A harsh place, but a healing place.”

You two are blood cousins, Aris’ aesthetic resonates with that inspiring dirty kid from the desert yet doomed while Daniel is very polished and refined, especially in terms of his guitar tones. When did you decide it was the right time to start playing together?

Tough to say.. I think it came to us around 10am on a Tuesday, it was cold and dreary.

It seemed like a good idea.

Your music is classified as “Desert Noir” revisiting the American country and blues. What does the desert mean to you?

It's quiet, beautiful and mysterious. It is our home. A harsh place, but a healing place.

What is The Overland contributing or inspiring to each of you, on a musical and personal level? 

The Overland gives us a reason to go to bed at night.

What is the story behind Bang-bang? and The Devil in me?

“Bang Bang” is your classic murder ballad (every country band needs one). It was initially going to be the intro to the hot television show Euphoria, but they lost taste out of the blue, so we decided we could just release as a single.

“Devil In Me” was taken from the writing on a wall in a WhataBurger bathroom stall just south of Wichita Falls Texas, and was brought to life during the seance for Bob Wills - the king of country swing.

How are your live shows? What is the best thing about playing with The Overland?

We operate very traditionally when we play. All live, no backing tracks, keeping it simple with plenty of hairography and pyrotechnics. We usually have a handful of our talented friends join us on stage to fill out the sound. Every show is a little different with the rotating players. The best thing about playing with this band is obviously the free beer.

You recently played back at home in the US, how were you received? are you on all country bumpkin and hick radios?

It was amazing playing in our hometown, we hadn't done that in years. People were surprised we were still alive. As far as radio stations go – they are also yet to find out that we are alive.

What are your plans for this year?


About The Overland

With and aesthetic best described as “Desert Noir”, The Overland delivers a born again re-imagination of American vintage, country and blues.

Aris Scwabe and Daniel Vildósola, blood cousins from Tucson, Arizona, are anticipated to release their album in 2023.

To see hear of their music, listen to them on Spotify, Youtube or follow them on Instagram

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