On the radar: Claudia, Isis and Sophie

Photographer JC Verona teamed up with hairstylist Corrado Tevere from Radio Hair Salon to create a hair and beauty series with upcoming models Claudia, Isis and Sophie. We talked to them to find out how modelling has been treating them so far.

Photography JC Verona  Hair Corrado Tevere  Make Up Riona O'Sullivan
From left to right: Claudia, Isis and Sophie

From left to right: Claudia, Isis and Sophie

When were you discovered?

Claudia: I got discovered by being scouted in Westfield in late October 2020.

Isis: When I was 15 and walking through London.  It seemed like every time I went to London someone would stop me and after a while I thought maybe this is something I should try – and so far so good, I have really enjoyed it.

Sophie: I was scouted by Milk on my 14th birthday at a Dua Lipa concert in London.

What was the best modelling experience so far?

Claudia: I really enjoyed doing a jewellery shoot at Central Saint Martins as I got to experiment with a lot of unique clothing looks and had the opportunity to do some hand modelling which was new for me! I also really enjoyed the most recent magazine shoot as the atmosphere was really friendly and I enjoyed having loads of amazing hairstyles and makeup looks done!

Isis: Having my Doc Marteen’s stolen whilst doing a shoot on a flyover on the A13 in London!  I had taken them off to put on some heels and after having walked up and down the fly over with my fellow models dressed head to toe in very cool clothes – we found that someone had swiped my favourite shoes whilst we weren’t looking.  Rather than ruin the day, it’s actually quite funny and makes the whole day’s shoot really stick in my mind.  Plus the photographer and stylist were so nice about it.

Sophie: Modelling for a brand that I regularly wear was exciting.

“I had taken them off (Doc Martens) to put on some heels and after having walked up and down the fly over with my fellow models dressed head to toe in very cool clothes – we found that someone had swiped my favourite shoes whilst we weren’t looking.”

- Isis -

What is something you’ve always wanted to do/try? 

Claudia: From a young age I have always wanted to go skydiving, it just seems so thrilling and fun, my eldest sister has been skydiving and said it was an incredible, once in a lifetime experience and so I would love to go for my 18th birthday!

Isis: Go to Kenya and climb Mount Kilimanjaro. 

Sophie: I’ve always wanted to go travelling around Asia.

“I used to do figure skating and gymnastics.”

- Claudia -

What’s the most surprising thing about you?

Claudia: You might find it surprising that I used to do figure skating and gymnastics multiple times a week and I used to do competitions and graded examinations.

Isis: I’m both English and Danish and grew up in Singapore – which makes me a citizen of the world, rather than any particular country.

Sophie: I wake up early every day, even weekends.

Fast round!

Describe yourself in 3 words

Claudia: I would say I'm fun, determined and adventurous.

Isis: Loyal, loud and sarcastic .

Sophie: Ambitious, Funny, Kind

Are you superstitious?

Claudia: I'm not superstitious but I find myths and urban legends interesting if that counts!

Isis: No Way!  OK a little bit.

Sophie: Yes.

Your perfect pet?

Claudia: My perfect pet would be a cuddly cat as my current cat attacks me! Still love her though.

Isis: My Golden Retriever Cinnamon – who is so dumb and friendly and always gets mistaken for a puppy even though he is 10 years old.

Sophie: Dog.

What or who would you take with you to a deserted island? 

Claudia: I would take my dad to a deserted island, he always knows how to problem solve and he has good survival skills.

Isis: Bag full of books – novels, world war II history books and feminist philosophy.

Sophie: My phone and lots of portable chargers.

What’s your motto?

Claudia: Everything happens for a reason!

Isis: Be brave.

Sophie: If you never try, you’ll never know.

Any guilty pleasures?

Claudia: My guilty pleasure is watching reality shows like Love Island.

Isis: Grey’s Anatomy.

Sophie: Car Boot Sales.

You never leave the house without______ 

Claudia: I don't leave the house without my phone because it has everything I need (directions, my bank card, contacts etc.)

Isis: My Doc Martins!

Sophie: My phone and lip balm.

Next hairstyle?

Claudia: I don't think I'll change my hair any time soon as I love having my long hair! It means I can change my hairstyle to suit any occasion or outfit.

Isis: Pixie cut or mullet.

Sophie: Maybe straight as I haven’t straightened it in a while!

Claudia, Isis and Sophie are represented by Milk Models.

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