On the radar: L.A. Witch

California based band L.A. Witch is currently on their European tour. Their style evokes the psych and punk rock movements, both faithfully capturing and innovating the genre in a fascinatingly personal way. We spoke to them briefly in between shows.

Words Holly Wyche   Photography JC Verona

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to speak to us while you're touring in Europe. You’ve spoken before about your music being “Inspired by L.A.”, and that’s really prevalent in your psych/punk rock sound, but I was wondering if that extended further into lyrics or ethos of the band at all as well?

IRITA: We’re from LA so it’s hard to pinpoint how it inspires us. It’s just a part of our identity. We were very lucky to have access to going to shows, and being surrounded by creative people and artists, and being able to go to shows from a really young age. And also LA has a huge car culture, and one of my favorite places to listen to music is cruising in the car.

You’ve been playing shows almost non-stop since October, only really taking a short break from touring for christmas, and a longer one between February and now. How have you found playing shows that consistently?

After 2 years of being home because of Covid, it really feels like nothing has changed. I think people are tired of being cooped up for so long that they’re excited to see live music again. We played Levitation in Austin, it was the first festival I had been to since 2019, and it was great to have that experience again and that sense of community after years of isolation.

“Don’t be limited to what you want or feel you should sound like, I think your influences will always come out subconsciously as a reflection of who you are and gives your own personal style and identity.”

Has the way you’ve played together changed as a result of such a consistent period of playing together?

Being on the road for so long and playing every day, you naturally grow and evolve as a musician and you grow and evolve playing with each other. It’s a very organic process.

Has the gear you use over the past touring period changed at all? Or what do you use in general!

I’ve definitely collected a lot more gear over the years. When we tour Europe I like to bring my Fender 70’s re-issue Jazz bass because it sounds great and it’s not vintage so the risk of damaging is far more minimal than with a sentimental piece. We’ve had our van broken into and gear damaged at the airport over the years, so you learn to not get attached to anything too much.

Are there any pedals or specific pieces of gear that are really vital for your performance?

My fave distortion pedal I’m using is actually a Behringer Warp Distortion which is meant for guitar but it sounds really mean on bass.

You guys have added a fourth member, Lauren, who’s been playing with you for nearing a year at this point. How have you guys found working together when you’ve been a band for over 10 years before this?

It’s been great changing up the sound, she adds another textural layer to the music which makes it more dynamic and interesting!

What’s been your favourite moment of the tour and shows you’ve done over the past year?

We just played a village in the middle of the mountains in France called Gigors. They have open air shows by the river and a little flea market, and there’s chickens and dogs and cats running around. It was a really special, once in a lifetime type experience.

Your sound is incredibly authentic to the era and musicians you’ve been inspired by. Is there anything you’d recommend/ advice you’d have for people looking to play like you in terms of your style and sound?

Don’t be limited to what you want or feel you should sound like, I think your influences will always come out subconsciously as a reflection of who you are and gives your own personal style and identity.

Last question, what’re your dream musicians to play with?

Black Sabbath, Wipers, Velvet Underground

Thank you so much for your time! Good luck for the rest of the tour!

You can buy tickets to L.A. Witch’s remaining Europe shows here, listen to their most recent work on spotify or follow them on instagram

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