On the Radar: Gutié

A lot has been said about Ibiza, but away from tourism and clubbing culture there’s what some call the real part of the island. In one of those breathing spaces we met the sculptor Oscar Gutiérrez who kindly welcomed us at his home and showed us his monumental work.

Interview and Photography  JC Verona

Hello Oscar, thank you for inviting us to your house. It’s beautiful, such a peaceful space! How long have you been in here?

We started the project around 7 years ago.

It definitely feels very relaxed here. You made all this space, your showroom, house, pool, guest caravan… What’s going to be next here?

Next? Finish it all! (Laughs)

Having your working and living space in the same place is a utopia for many. How do you deal with it?

I am very grateful to have achieved it, I’m enjoying every day. For me, living in the same place where I work is part of the same thing, it is a lifestyle.

How is working in Ibiza compared to other places in the world where you have worked before?

I feel Ibiza is my place, my base – I am very comfortable here. Starting from a very good base, you are already in the place, you are not wishing to be somewhere else neither to create nor to live.

“For me, living in the same place where I work is part of the same thing, it is a lifestyle.”

The aesthetic of your work echoes German Expressionism, it’s rich in humour with scents of psychotherapy and a feeling of unreality. What inspires you?

I am inspired by what I see, they are quite common situations. It's my filter of how I see things.

Do you plan them much? Or follow a narrative?

Ideas come very fluid, when an idea is already conceived and clear, I don't usually have definition problems.

After many years working, there’s no separation between thinking and executing. What I think, I execute. There is no gap or frustration for not being able to make it, even though ideas come based on the technique, it becomes automatic the way I think.

Your pieces are very detailed and delicate but manipulating steel requires such a strong physical technique and some of them are massive. How is the working process? And how long does it take you to complete a piece?

I don't calculate time, I'm just working, some are more complicated than others but after so many years of crushing the metal I've managed to make the process faster.

Which is the highest or heaviest piece you have ever made?

The dragon, which is close to about 7 meters.

Whats next for you?

I am developing the idea of working with the Ibizan rock in large volumes, mixing rock and metal, including touches of colour, glass and some application in another material.

But yes, we sculptors are very attracted to the large format. We do it small but the concept in the head is to go massive.

That’s why the space you have here.

Yes, it is essential for the subject of sculpture, logistics, etc. The space you are in it’s very important.

Thank you very much and can't wait to see what is happening next.

I hope to share it soon, thank you.

About Oscar Gutiérrez

Oscar is a sculptor based in Ibiza, Spain. Born in 1971 in Sabadell, province of Barcelona (Spain). He emigrated to Mexico with his parents in 1978.

Oscar received his training and encouragement for the development of his vocation from his parents, who are both artists. His father, Francisco Gutiérrez, is a painter and teacher at the Acapulco Guerrero University and his mother María del Carmen Fernán is a ceramist.

To see more of his work, visit Saatchi Art or follow him on Instagram

Many thanks to Israel Hernando

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