Taurus Energy

Non-binary multidisciplinary artist Métaraph creates fast, ethereal and melancholic sound journeys, mastering a metamorphis of genres. We spoke to the DJ, music producer, jewellery designer and conceptual artist shortly after their biggest announcement yet – that they are joining the BPitch team.

Concept & Photography Christian Trippe  Make-up & Styling Amphibian  Head pieces Virginia the Wolf  Snakes Tom's Talking Reptiles  Photography assistant Tom Beck

It’s not very often that an artist works across so many genres so effortlessly whilst creating such a harmonious and seamless experience. After moving to London in 2014, they quickly made themselves a name in the Queer underground scene, always pushing boundaries and delivering new and transcending experiences. We met Métaraph for our exclusive photo shoot during their first visit back to London, just after they announced that they are going to be signed to BPitch – Ellen Allien’s Berlin-based label and home for many iconic artists.

A couple of weeks later we were excited to find an email in our inbox with all the things we always wanted to know about Métaraph…

Let’s start right here – where are you at the moment and how are you feeling right now?

Right now, I'm sitting on a plane to Madrid en route to Cali, Colombia. I'm feeling very excited for this new adventure in South America which will end in Los Angeles after four weeks of touring.

You recently got signed with BPitch. Congratulations!! Tell us, how did that happen?

Thank you! I'm actually still processing this news and acknowledging my happiness for this new chapter with the BPitch family. About four months ago I received a DM on Instagram from Ellen asking me if I wanted to participate in the next BPtich compilation with one of my tracks.

I was over the moon just to receive a message from Ellen in person and even more honoured that she reached out for her label. A month later I got contacted by Fabian, the BPitch agent, wondering if I was interested in joining their agency. I didn’t have to think too long about it so went straight into talking about the details of our agreement and voilà!

I strongly think that the second HÖR livestream I did back in April really brought me to Ellen’s attention and played a big role for my bookings in and outside Europe.


In which way do you think this going to change your career and path forward?

Well, BPitch being such a historic and iconic label within the Berlin and global scene definitely adds a certain level to my reputation through the legendary artists that have been and are being released on it, and having a strong network behind it is surely something that will bring more opportunities ahead.

Do you think the move to Berlin was a necessary step in your career? Do you miss London?

Me moving to Berlin was essential for these opportunities to come through. As it was so essential for me to leave Italy and move to London seven years ago. It was also important to leave and continue the journey elsewhere bringing with me what I've learnt over the years. 

I do miss the people of London but going back also reminds me how happy I am to not live in that chaotic city anymore.

“Me moving to Berlin was essential for these opportunities to come through. As it was so essential for me to leave Italy and move to London seven years ago.”

Moving to Berlin has brought me a lot of opportunities for my DJing and music producing career. I am constantly meeting many artists and DJs and this helps me to grow, experiment and refine. I'm also starting a course at the EMS (Electronic Music School) in Berlin where I can refine and go in depth with music production.


Listening to your music, I always felt that your sound was more ‘Berlin’ than London. Would you say that’s true?

I would not even necessarily associate my music style with Berlin as it is ever evolving and shapeshifting because my style conveys different phases of life and genres. 

At the moment my style goes from hard techno, hardcore, industrial hardcore, rave, acid and everything in between bundled together with longing and transcendental melodies. 

”It is essential for me to express myself in different ways through different mediums in order to bring the public into my inner worlds.”

You integrate visual and performance art into your music and life as DJ – how important is that to you and where does this multi-channel awareness come from?

Coming from a multidisciplinary background where I merge performance art with fashion, dance, visual arts and music, it plays a big role in the way how I perceive music and art, and the way I merge mediums in the same act in order to create a multi-sensorial experience. 

It is essential for me to express myself in different ways through different mediums in order to bring the public into my inner worlds.


Is there a place or country where you’d love to play one day?

I’d love to play where all the social minorities are going through hard times of human rights violations. Where people that are struggling really need to experience at least one night of escapism from the problems and struggles that they face every day. 

How do you prepare yourself for a gig? Any ritual?

Rituals are personal :) 

How much of the set is planned ahead and how much is decided/improvised in the moment?

I prefer creating most of my set ahead, knowing the time slots, the light of the day or the darkness of the night, the type of location and its energy. 

I believe DJ sets are like stories and journeys that we create as an itinerary for a flight – picking the best tracks that fit the right moment of the journey, the best seats on the plane with the most appetising meal. It's like a rehearsal performance for a theatre.

With the creation of the journey I bring the public into my world and vision rather than adapting to where the public is (because the public is where I place them in a way).

Most of the time this type of preparation works well, because all the tracks are planned to build a certain energy and mood that is created through the selection.

I obviously still allow a lot of space for improvisation in case I feel that I am losing the audience and I do have a lot of fun when I improvise. 

You told us you have a pet snake. Why a snake and what do you like about them?

I’ve always been a huge lover of snakes since I was a kid. I was born in the countryside and I used to catch wild snakes and place them in the terrarium and feed them. I always wanted a pet snake but my mother was not so enthusiastic!

Only about a year ago I got asked by a friend to take care of their snake because they were about to move away from Berlin and needed a new owner. That ‘s how Perc (snake) and I met.

“I don' t believe in myths, I believe in energy.”

I'm hypnotised by the way they slowly slide their body in order to move forward so smoothly. Watching their movement over almost a year really influenced the way I move and it has also been a big inspiration for my mixed media paintings. Fascinating skin colours and patterns are so mesmerising and the way they use their tongues is so cute! 


You identify as non-binary (they/them). Can you tell us more about your personal journey?

I came out as non-binary about a year ago – I always felt outside of the boxes of social standards without necessarily labelling myself. The last three years spent in London I’ve started to acknowledge more about the whole white patriarchic cis-tem we live in and the lies behind the binary system of the gender that white society has been imposing on the West and especially on many aboriginal and indigenous tribes and populations over the past decades of Colonisation.

“From a young age, I’ve always felt that my gender identity never completely fitted within male or female standards.”

From a young age, I’ve always felt that my gender identity never completely fitted within male or female standards, but once I started to research more about gender studies, non-binary made total sense.

Non-binary is not a category or label, it’s an umbrella that includes a spectrum of gender identities that do not fit the binary system of what is female and what is male. This does not necessarily mean that you embody both genders, it can also refer to neither of them also, to both, or way more. 

The funniest part is that a lot of people think that non-binary people are something new, when actually a wide spectrum of gender identities and norms was common in many indigenous cultures pre-colonisation.

What music and projects can we expect from you in 2021… or 2022? Any plans you can reveal?

By the end 2021 there are six other releases planned for different VAs on digital and vinyl, which I’m super excited about and honoured because I’ve never released on vinyl before and the labels involved are also Queer, for example Durch and Subverted.

My biggest news to share for 2022 will be that I will launch my own music label which is going to also translate into the creation of a community and party in Berlin, proposing a multidisciplinary rave experience merging different artistic practices through a conceptual curation.


Describe yourself in 3 words
Creative – Laid Back – Taurus energy

Your happy place?
My studio

Are you superstitious?
I don' t believe in myths, I believe in energy.

The most surprising thing about you?
My low bass voice hahaha 

You never leave the house without______ ?
USB sticks

Find out more about Métaraph’s music and latest releases via the platforms below:



RA (Resident Advisor)



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