DJ and music producer Silverhook, aka Argyris, best known for promoting BEEFMINCE at legendary London venue The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, has teamed up with electronic music artist Tareq for their single SLOW MOTION.
We met with both of them to find out more about their collaboration and for a COVID-safe photoshoot.
Interview + Photography Christian Trippe Photo assistant Luke
Hi both, thanks for having a chat today.
Silverhook: Thank you for the chance to be in the magazine and for the fun shoot today.
You both work in the entertainment industry, which was heavily affected by the pandemic. How did you cope and what have you been up to the last few months?
Tareq: It’s been a life changing experience, somewhat like a big brother experiment. Initially with all gigs cancelled and nothing coming in the near future, that was quite stressful. We spent the lockdown together with Argyris, which involved lots of cooking and binge-watching TV shows. Eventually, I managed to find a way to keep myself busy by finishing my solo album and working on various side music projects.
Silverhook: It has been tough for everyone, especially our beloved venues where we socialised. Balancing managing the public health risk with keeping the sector alive is an impossible task. I have a day job too, so I have focussed on that, as well as finishing this single. It gave me a purpose.
“I cannot wait to stop using these two dreadful words: social distancing.”
What’s the thing you have missed most in 2020 so far?
Silverhook: BEEFMINCE – without a doubt! And socialising with our friends. Our last party was on March 6th, and we really miss putting on our event, which was an inclusive and safe space for our community to come together and party. We did some online events for the first few months but it is not quite the same as being in the club, the loud speakers, light and, of course, the crowds. I cannot wait to stop using these two dreadful words: social distancing.
Tareq: I have missed the interaction with my close people, travelling and of course performing and DJing.
You recently released a new single called ‘SLOW MOTION’, the first original track you have made together. Tell us a bit about how the song was created and how did you work together?
Silverhook: Yes, we have worked together before; remixing each other’s tracks, but this is our first original track. One cold Saturday morning in January, a little worse for wear after a busy BEEFMINCE party, Tareq played me a demo; he often plays me stuff, and more so around that time when he was putting together ideas for his album, Prints. I was blown away by that particular one; and I convinced/threatened him not to put it on his album, but instead give to me to produce. Bless him, after he agreed, he let me run with it: I changed the title, added lyrical content, changed the structure over a new powerful arrangement – and this is how SLOW MOTION was born, a song with both of us in it. Tareq sang it again, and his distinctive vocal is what makes this song special. Lorant, the label boss from Royal Advisor Records, was supportive from the start of the project. I also have to give credit to Massimo Paramour here, for his expert advice and guidance in the studio; the clarity of the production is all down to him. And I have to also mention Thomas Penton for the amazing mastering techniques he brought to the table, and Milky Crafts for the stunning artwork.
Was this a one-off collaboration or is the Silverhook / Tareq combo going to stay around for a bit longer?
Silverhook: First, there is a remix EP that is available now. It includes 4 excellent remixes by ELIOT, Kiss The Panther, Ross Jones and ANAATA. This really completes the single and offers very different vibes for various audiences. Now we both have other projects to focus on, but we really love working together so there is no doubt we will release more music together in the future.
Tareq: Yes, of course. There’s certainly more to come!
What are your plans for the next few months and post-pandemic? Any chance to see you playing live, maybe virtual?
Tareq: Since there’s light at the end of the tunnel after the vaccine announcement, I hope that things will get in a better place, hopefully soon. But until it’s cleared up we have to be patient and find ways to connect with each other. I was thinking of maybe doing a live performance at some point but the logistics of it and also the lack of interaction with a real audience is a bit off-putting. So I’m just sticking on making more music for the time being.
“We have to be patient and find ways to connect with each other. I’m just sticking on making more music for the time being.”
Silverhook: I have a few projects coming up in collaboration with ELIOT. One of them is a remix of his track LET THE SUN RISE – very topical, with the pandemic still in full swing. The special thing about this track is that the vocalist is the legendary Beth Hirsch, best known for her collaboration with Air on their album Moon Safari. This should be out before the end of the year. ELIOT and I have another track cooking together, but I can’t reveal more right now. Post-pandemic, I will focus on getting BEEFMINCE up and running again, so we can all play all these tracks out on the dancefloor!
Do you think the music and club scene has changed forever?
Tareq: Well definitely for the next year, like everything has really. Club scene is struggling a bit since there’s so much music coming out and no place to play it. And how much dance music can you listen at home without the actual feel of a night out in a club with all its perks.
Silverhook: I think all the arts have suffered because of the pandemic, and sadly, their support was not prioritised like other sectors. It is impossible to stop the creativity though! As for the club scene, we will witness a total reboot after the pandemic. Venues will reopen, perhaps under new names or management, fresh brands will emerge and social distancing will be a thing of the past!
“I think all the arts have suffered because of the pandemic, and sadly, their support was not prioritised like other sectors. It is impossible to stop the creativity though!”
What have you been listening to recently at home?
Tareq: Been listening to Jessie Ware’s album a lot, and then going through new and old releases that I happen to find by luck!
Silverhook: I love the Georgia album, Seeking Thrills, and I am obsessed with the recent Miley Cyrus release, Midnight Sky. That one really took me by surprise!
If 2020 would be a song, which one would it be?
Silverhook: Is this a trick question? SLOW MOTION of course! Hahaha…
Tareq: I would definitely say a song from my lockdown produced album "Prints": "Tareq – Upside Down"