In conversation with Tempesst

We had the pleasure to link up with Tempesst, the colourful sound-blended gang are now based in Hackney, London. We find out about their brilliant new record Must Be a Dream, their own label Pony Recordings, and what’s coming next. 

Interview by Daniel Vildósola, Photography by JC Verona
Tempesst from Left to Right: Toma, Blake, Andy, Eric & Kane

Tempesst from Left to Right: Toma, Blake, Andy, Eric & Kane

Originally from Noosa, Australia the band was formed by twin brothers Toma and Andy Banjanin nearly a decade ago. The Banjanin brothers along with bandmates Kane Reynolds, Blake Mispieka and Eric Weber, have released two EPs (2017’s Adult Wonderland and 2018’s Doomsday) and have delighted audiences with their colourful blend of psychedelia, rock, and pop.

Their latest album, Must Be a Dream, explores existential themes like identity, purpose, love and loss, substance abuse, the death of loved ones and remembering the beauty beneath it all.

What do you guys think of the band, Tempest? (with a single ’s’)

They’re certainly niche, Celtic Rock pioneers. I love to think about how confused someone would be searching for us and accidentally stumbling on our single ‘S’ contemporary.

From the music to the imagery, your brand is so well defined. When the band began, was it intentional to achieve this 70’s psyche rock sound? or did it just happen?

The intention is to be classic in look and sound and not married to an era or genre. Admittedly there are elements in our production that nod to the psych genre, that’s usually accidental, a by product of messing around with gear or instruments . If you were to strip all of that away, each song can stand accompanied by piano alone. 


Do I hear a “Mr. Sandman-esque” musical motif in Mushroom Cloud that you’ve employed in your previous song, Feel Better? Is this a Wagnerian technique used to point out certain underlying themes?

If only I was so sophisticated... it wasn’t a conscious decision to reference that melody and the themes associated to it. I like the correlation though, if I could keep a straight face while claiming it, I would. 


Better than the devil’ is about what some call ‘post truth’ life, our new world of ‘alternative facts‘ and Twitter politics etc.”

How have people reacted to using the sample of Marshall Applewhite in the opening track? (and what was it like getting permission to use that sample?)

I’d say most people wouldn’t recognise the voice. ‘Better than the devil’ (the song that the sample is in) is about what some call ‘post truth’ life, our new world of ‘alternative facts‘ and Twitter politics etc. The sample was used because the Heavens Gate mass suicide is an extreme example of a ‘claim of truth’ festering into its most putrid and destructive form. Marshall Applewhite was deranged, his doctrine bizarre and somehow he convinced 38 people to give their life away in accordance with it. 

Toma Banjanin

Toma Banjanin

Andy Banjanin

Andy Banjanin

Why did it take so long for Tempesst to make a full length album?

I guess it just takes time, all in all the writing and recording was about 6-9 months. We finished mixing towards the end of 2019. 

“The intention is to be classic in look and sound and not married to an era or genre.”

What’s is it like working with producer Elliot Heinrich? How involved was he throughout the whole process of making the record?

Elliot and I have worked together for years, we have an intuitive working relationship. He was involved from beginning to end.

What’s the story behind artwork?

We saw Jose’s work on a billboard and reached out to him. We wanted artwork that was symbolic but lighthearted. Tough brief... he listened through the album and sent us a draft, hand drawn in pencil and we felt he got the balance right. 

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What was your time in NYC like? Do you miss it? How do you compare the music scene in Brooklyn vs. Hackney?

It was a while ago. I was 21 when I moved to NYC, it was my first real winter and I lived in a warehouse without a bedroom or heating. Our favourite spot was dive bar called the Lovin‘ Cup on North 6th and Berry we’d go to for cheap drinks, live music and heating. I played a lot of shows, to not allot of people... and went to a lot of shows because I lived behind the Music hall of Williamsburg. Tempesst played its first headline show in London 5 years ago and we sold out our first night. Luckily, since then people have stayed interested. So it’s hard to compare the two. 


Tell us about Pony Studios?

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We have a recording studio in a Hackney warehouse that we use to make records ourselves, friends and other bands that are on our label, Pony Recordings.

How has having your own studio changed the way you write music?

Mostly, it means that we don’t have to rush our production. Songwriting still mostly happens at the piano or on guitar. We have the luxury of trying on a few ‘different outfits‘ until we settle on the treatment the best serves the song.

“Tempesst played its first headline show in London 5 years ago and we sold out our first night.“

What does the rest of 2021 have in store for Tempesst?

We’re halfway through making our second record and hope to have the first single out by the end of the summer. 


Get to know the band in our speed round

What are you superstitious about?
I’m not really superstitious but my Greek grandmother gave me an evil eye medallion to protect me from curses.

Your perfect pet?
Anything that doesn’t require much attention, a goldfish.

Cheap day meal?
In the winter, soup and bread.

Dream car or motorcycle?
A new van, with air conditioning.

What’s your motto?
Not a motto but I quite like Henry Miller’s 11 commandments.

Guilty pleasure?
Talkback radio

You never leave the house without___
Coat, scarf, wallet, keys, phone etc etc

Next hairstyle? 
Too long to be short, too short to be long

2020 was ____

2021 will be___
Slightly less difficult 


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