It’s a Win!

Nathaniel Curtis played Ash in Channel 4’s recent hit TV Series ‘It’s a Sin’. We caught up with him to find out how his life has changed since the show and who he would share the Pink Palace with. 

Interview & Photography Christian Trippe   Styling Kate Barbour   Hair & Make-up Marie France   Set Design Luke Casey Browne  PR Beaumont London
Photography Christian Trippe,  Giant Puffer Coat Xumu Necklaces Tiana Jewel and Karat

Photography Christian Trippe, Giant Puffer Coat Xumu Necklaces Tiana Jewel and Karat

Hi, Nathaniel, how are you doing? Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us today. It’s a real honour to have you here. First of all, congratulations on the show and your amazing performance!
Thank you so much for having me. And thank you for such kind words!

Tell us, how did you get cast for the show? And what was your reaction when you saw the script for the first time?
My agent sent me the script and told me I’d been invited to audition. I absolutely loved it – it was just incredible. I read it and was completely engrossed by all the characters. After reading the first half of the first episode, I just wanted to look after them all. I loved them so much, they’re all so recognisable and so human. Russell has such a beautiful way of writing, these are people that you could run into at any time.

Photography Christian Trippe,  Bomber jacket Petja Zorec

Photography Christian Trippe, Bomber jacket Petja Zorec

Absolutely! Ash plays a quite a pivotal role in the series, not only as the first lover of Ritchie, but also as someone who cares for the other characters. How did you prepare yourself for the part?
We were advised on various resources that we could use, such as books, articles, and I just kind of delved into the history of what happened. I didn’t really know much as we weren’t taught about it in school. For Ash’s role, I’d looked into Section 28, which is not something I was particularly aware of. And it was so educational, but it was also so heartbreaking, listening to these people who had just been forgotten, and who had gone through so much, and yet had just tried to persevere. So yeah, that’s kind of how I prepared for that. 

“Listening to these people who had just been forgotten, and who had gone through so much, and yet had just tried to persevere.”

Prior to ‘It’s a Sin’, you mainly did theatre work. Romeo and Juliet is one of the plays you did. How was that transition from stage to screen? Was the process and the experience as you expected it to be? Or was it really different?
I was in the middle of my first job since leaving drama school, as you say Romeo and Juliet. And so I hadn’t really done a lot of stage and I hadn’t done any screen. But it was easier than I expected it to be. I think that was also very much due to the fact that I was working with people who knew exactly what they were doing and were so supportive and so caring. And I wasn’t the only person who hadn’t done screen before. We were all kind of learning together. 

Photography Christian Trippe,  Black jumper Petja Zorec

Photography Christian Trippe, Black jumper Petja Zorec

‘It’s a Sin’ got a record-breaking 18.9m views on All 4. How does it feel that your TV Premier was such a success? Did you expect in any way that this would have such a huge impact?
I’m actually just really proud of the show. I would have been proud of getting away with it being my first TV role, but I was proud of it when I did it and I was proud of it after I’d done it. Seeing the impact that this show has had on people, and not just in the way that people are saying that it’s a good show, but also in the way that conversations are opening up about a period of history that had been completely forgotten about and we have brought back into the limelight – I’m incredibly honoured to have been a part of that. And, you know, the response has been insane.

Listening to the statistics about how many people have watched it is really strange because it’s a show that I loved making with people that I loved making it with, and the fact that it’s reached so many people is crazy, lovely, but crazy. 

Talking about having an impact, Public Health England reported that they have seen a massive increase in HIV testing and had to order thousands more tests. How does it make you feel to know that the show could have had a such an impact on the behaviour of its viewers?
The fact that the show has encouraged people to look after their sexual health a bit better or to research and learn and to educate themselves is absolutely incredible. I think that there are people who were moved so much by the show, not just sat on the sidelines thinking, ‘Oh, this is brilliant’ or ‘Oh, it’s great piece of fiction’, for people to know that it really happened and want to make a difference is absolutely wonderful.

Photography Christian Trippe,  Suit and jumper King & Tuckfield

Photography Christian Trippe, Suit and jumper King & Tuckfield

Photography Christian Trippe,  Cape jacket and trousers Goldsmiths Vintage, Jeans Petja Zorec

Photography Christian Trippe, Cape jacket and trousers Goldsmiths Vintage, Jeans Petja Zorec

Yeah, I think that’s the difference. You know, a lot of shows people watch and then forget about them. Obviously, this show has had a major impact on people. How has your life changed since? What’s the craziest thing that has happened since the release? Can you still go out?
You know, I’ve been very lucky in that I’ve had some other opportunities open up as a result of it. And then it’s really strange, leaving the house and being recognised going out for my food shop, so yeah, that’s strange. Definitely the weirdest thing that happened to me was that I was on the tube and Elton John rang. I think the first thing I ever said to Elton John was ‘I’m on the tube!’ and it was so surreal, I was in between stations, so I couldn’t just jump off. But he was so kind, so lovely. And actually hearing people who I’ve looked up to for all of my life, talking passionately about the show, it’s been really, really insane. But Elton John calling is definitely the weirdest thing that has happened. I was just on the District Line and the phone goes.

“The first thing I ever said to Elton John was ‘I’m on the tube!’ ”

So what do Ash and Nathaniel have in common?
They are both quite tall! I look at Ash as a character but I guess that because I played him, part of him bled into me or the other way round. He is much quieter than I am, much cooler than me. He’s intelligent. You know, he looks after his friends – his friends are his family – and he wants to make a difference. He believes in himself, and he believes in the people who love him and the people that he loves. And I think that’s really, that’s really admirable. Yeah, he’s such a sweet character. He’s so lovely. He was a dream to play.

Which person, living or dead, would you live with in the Pink Palace?
Oh, that’s a really good question! Alan Turing, Freddie Mercury, Whoopi Goldberg, obviously! I don’t know… and then I would also live with Cleopatra, because she fascinates me. And Robin Williams.

Just think what that would be like, imagine how fun that house would be? Imagine the parties! They would bang! And the place would be so clean!

Photography Christian Trippe,  Cape jacket and trousers Goldsmiths Vintage

Photography Christian Trippe, Cape jacket and trousers Goldsmiths Vintage

You already mentioned other opportunities have come up since the show. Everyone’s curious what’s next for the cast in general? Is there anything new you’re working on that you can share with us? Hollywood?
Aha, Hollywood? One can dream! There are there are some things in the pipeline which I can’t talk about just yet. But fingers crossed!

I mean, it’s not the easiest time…
No it’s not. I mean, the industry kind of came to such a grinding halt last year and the fact is that it is opening up slowly but it’s also opening up so carefully – but I think that it has to be done that way. I am very aware that I am in a much better position than I would have been before and I’m incredibly grateful for that.

“I miss those cosy evenings in the pub with your friends playing board games and a bottle of red wine on the go.”

‘It’s a Sin’ was shot just before the lockdown. How have you been doing the last year? And is there one thing you particularly missed?
It’s not been the easiest of years. I don’t know anyone who’s really thrived all the time. There are good days and bad days, you can pick up new hobbies, practice baking, learn an instrument, or even if you don’t do that, that’s fine. It’s been alright – I’ve been OK. I have a really wonderful group of people who love and support me, but I would love to see them and hug them to be honest. I miss cuddles, I miss nights out. I miss those cosy evenings in the pub with your friends playing board games and a bottle of red wine on the go. It’s just that kind of community that I’ve missed. Hugging people – that’s what I’ve missed the most.

We are done. Thank you so much and we can’t wait to see you on TV, La! 
Thank you for having me, man. Absolute joy. La!

‘Its a Sin’ is available to watch online on Channel 4 and on HBO Max in the US.

Photography Christian Trippe,  Black jumper Petja Zorec

Photography Christian Trippe, Black jumper Petja Zorec



She is The Queen